Why Choose Us

“We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being.” – Maria Montessori

Qualified Staff Members

At My First Montessori School, we believe in the importance of each child receiving individual attention in our care. Each of our staff members are trained and professional. All head teachers will have a Montessori Certification and/or an Early Childhood Education designation. In addition, each staff member will have periodic vulnerable sector checks administered by the local police department. Each staff member will also undergo a reference, character and credential check prior to commencing employment with My First Montessori School. All staff members are required to have updated CPR and First Aid.

Qualified Staff Members

At My First Montessori School, we believe in the importance of each child receiving individual attention in our care. Each of our staff members are trained and professional. All head teachers will have a Montessori Certification and/or an Early Childhood Education designation. In addition, each staff member will have periodic vulnerable sector checks administered by the local police department. Each staff member will also undergo a reference, character and credential check prior to commencing employment with My First Montessori School. All staff members are required to have updated CPR and First Aid.


At My First Montessori School,  we believe that parents are essential to a child’s learning and continued development. Our approach is to ensure we work in partnership with the parents to promote open communication for the mutual benefit of the child. We welcome parents to speak with teachers daily and will be available to communicate via e-mail or phone.

My First Montessori School subscribes to the HiMama app which provides parents updates on your child’s activities directly to your email and smartphone – everything from health and nutrition to learning and development. Parents are encouraged to read these reports daily and be aware of their child’s activities during the day. This ongoing communication will ensure that the child receives the best care possible. We encourage you to check out the HiMama website to see their full offering.


At My First Montessori School,  we believe that parents are essential to a child’s learning and continued development. Our approach is to ensure we work in partnership with the parents to promote open communication for the mutual benefit of the child. We welcome parents to speak with teachers daily and will be available to communicate via e-mail or phone.

My First Montessori School subscribes to the HiMama app which provides parents updates on your child’s activities directly to your email and smartphone – everything from health and nutrition to learning and development. Parents are encouraged to read these reports daily and be aware of their child’s activities during the day. This ongoing communication will ensure that the child receives the best care possible. We encourage you to check out the HiMama website to see their full offering.


At My First Montessori School we have surveillance cameras installed to provide a form of security and general control over the operations at the school.

The images from the security cameras are routinely monitored and are stored only for the purpose of review, in the event that a concern is brought to our attention. Only those individuals responsible for the system administration of the security system will have full access to the stored images. The retention of images collected will typically be 14 days or less. Maintenance and use of the security cameras and related equipment will be monitored and enforced solely at the discretion of My First Montessori School. In addition, only designated people will have entry access to the building by the use of a key scan fob. All other guests must buzz in to be let inside the building.


At My First Montessori School we have surveillance cameras installed to provide a form of security and general control over the operations at the school.

The images from the security cameras are routinely monitored and are stored only for the purpose of review, in the event that a concern is brought to our attention. Only those individuals responsible for the system administration of the security system will have full access to the stored images. The retention of images collected will typically be 14 days or less. Maintenance and use of the security cameras and related equipment will be monitored and enforced solely at the discretion of My First Montessori School. In addition, only designated people will have entry access to the building by the use of a key scan fob. All other guests must buzz in to be let inside the building.

Food & Nutrition

A well balanced meal provides nutrition for a child to grow, develop and maintain a healthy weight, height and focus in school.  Human bodies go through rapid growth from the ages of birth to age 5 transitioning from crawling to walking and running.

My First Montessori School understands the importance of the whole development of a child therefore we provide healthy and well-balanced meals. We serve a nutritious and delicious morning and afternoon snack and lunch that follow the recommendations from the Canada’s food guide.

It is important that we respect any dietary restrictions and allergies our students may have.Please inform us of any dietary requirements or restrictions your child may have so we can accommodate these needs as best we can.

Food & Nutrition

A well balanced meal provides nutrition for a child to grow, develop and maintain a healthy weight, height and focus in school.  Human bodies go through rapid growth from the ages of birth to age 5 transitioning from crawling to walking and running.

My First Montessori School understands the importance of the whole development of a child therefore we provide healthy and well-balanced meals. We serve a nutritious and delicious morning and afternoon snack and lunch that follow the recommendations from the Canada’s food guide.

It is important that we respect any dietary restrictions and allergies our students may have.Please inform us of any dietary requirements or restrictions your child may have so we can accommodate these needs as best we can.

Specialty Programs

Although the main focus of My First Montessori School’s program will be using the teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori, we will also be offering specialty subjects and extra-curricular activities to give our children an enriched education experience.

In our daily schedule, we will incorporate art, drama, music and physical education. At My First Montessori School we empathize with parents and their limitations due to time, therefore, we will be offering extra-curricular activities at school to help parents reclaim their evenings and weekends and spend time with their children.

Specialty Programs

Although the main focus of My First Montessori School’s program will be using the teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori, we will also be offering specialty subjects and extra-curricular activities to give our children an enriched education experience.

In our daily schedule, we will incorporate art, drama, music and physical education. At My First Montessori School we empathize with parents and their limitations due to time, therefore, we will be offering extra-curricular activities at school to help parents reclaim their evenings and weekends and spend time with their children.

Dress Code

At My First Montessori School, we believe uniforms will help create a positive learning environment. Here are some benefits to having children wear uniforms:
1. An easier morning for parents – Uniforms reduce morning stress by making the process of getting dressed simple. Students know exactly what they can and cannot wear, allowing parents to focus on other things. 
2. Reducing non-academic distractions– Uniforms help minimize the difference in socioeconomic status between peers.
3. Encouragement of other forms of self-expression – A dress code encourages students to express themselves individually through personality and academic achievements, not outward appearances.

Dress Code

At My First Montessori School, we believe uniforms will help create a positive learning environment. Here are some benefits to having children wear uniforms:
1. An easier morning for parents – Uniforms reduce morning stress by making the process of getting dressed simple. Students know exactly what they can and cannot wear, allowing parents to focus on other things. 
2. Reducing non-academic distractions– Uniforms help minimize the difference in socioeconomic status between peers.
3. Encouragement of other forms of self-expression – A dress code encourages students to express themselves individually through personality and academic achievements, not outward appearances.