Specialty Programs

Specialty Programs

Our philosophy is to provide an environment where the child not only develop their learning ability through traditional methods but also a well balanced holistic approach that develops their skills to a much higher level indirectly in a fun and interactive environment.
Along side the Montessori curriculum we have specialty programs for everyone to enjoy. These programs work hand in hand with what we feel strongly develops the whole child.

There are numerous benefits of having art as a part of My First Montessori School’s approach to learning.  Toddlers to Casa children will have an opportunity to explore the fun and creative world of “Young at Art”

  • Art Promotes Creativity
  • Art Encourages Neural Connections
  • Art Builds Fine Motor Skills
  • Scribbling is a Precursor to Writing
  • Art Develops Problem-solving Abilities
  • Art Helps Kids Understand Themselves and Their World

Physical activity is vital for a child’s development and lays the foundation for a healthy and active life. My First Montessori School has a 30 min program once a week where children will enjoy various activities, games, and aerobic like exercises to music. FUNtastc fitness is the fun way of getting fitness.

There are daily French classes at My First Montessori School for Toddlers and Casa.  Children have the ability to absorb language very easily between birth to six years of age.  Our French program is taught through the use of pictures, objects and music. Children are interactive and enjoy French as they learn.

Research has shown that music and math are closely related. Music also has many other benefits such as building social skills; bringing groups together and putting everyone in good spirits.  

Music and movement will be incorporated in our curriculum 2-3 times a week. It will teach the children about diversity within music and dance and expose them to the different sounds of the world.

Yoga helps promote a balanced physical, mental and spiritual development of the child. Through a series of postures, children learn to build strength, flexibility and confidence. The breathing practice done in yoga helps calm and refresh the body and mind.

Each child will encounter training that targets the development of gross motor skills, concentration and character building. These skills have been broken down into age-specific exercises, games, activities, and drills. In addition, our students will grow emotionally and learn about self-control, discipline and respect.

*Applicable to Casa students only.

Montessori Child