Montessori Elementary School Brampton

6 to 9 Year Olds

Grades 1-3

Montessori Elementary School Brampton

6 to 9 Year Olds

Grades 1-3

“Joy is the evidence of inner growth” – Maria Montessori

Only 10 Children Per Class
Lunch & Snacks Provided
Screening Done Each Morning
Professional cleaning done throughout the day

The learning outcomes for elementary is to.

  • Enable children to internalize concepts using concrete materials
  • To give children the joy of discovering rules for themselves
  • To allow children to learn from the logic of the materials
  • To ensure success by progressing in small steps
  • To allow independent work using self-correcting materials
  • To tap into the child’s own learning style through multisensory materials
  • To give the child a sense of responsibility for his/her own education
  • To interrelate subject areas
  • To teach tolerance and appreciation for our many differences
  • To teach, through history, the importance of each of our lives

The Montessori Elementary program extends the lessons from Casa in even more depth. The elementary program has seven areas of curriculum in the classroom which consist of.

Math-Decimal system math up to the millionths, memorization of facts, fractions, factors and multiples, long division, and word problems.

Language-Analysis (composing and writing), synthesis (reading), grammar, word studies (ex. Affix, suffix, compound words, homonyms)

Geometry-Solids, lines, angles, figures, measuring, classification

Botany-Knowledge of plants (ex. Functions, types, parts, kingdoms, and experiments)

Zoology-knowledge of animals (ex. Kingdoms, parts, classification, and life cycles)

Geography- Constellations, minerals, maps, landforms, experiments

History- measuring time, passage of time, cycles of time, timelines (objects, biographies), timeline of the universe

Children in elementary will also work on quiet reading each day, cosmic plan activities where they can discover all the answers to the who, what, where , when, and why of things in our world, research projects, specialty programs, presentations, and homework studies.