
How To Handle Separation Anxiety

My First Montessori School is excited that we are less than one year away from opening! Starting school is always a time filled with many emotions for parents and children. Here are a few tips to help get you through this emotional time.

1. Prepare your child before the big day

A few weeks before they are about to begin school is an ideal time for you to start preparing your child. Try reading stories about the first day of school. Some terrific books are

  • Spot goes to School – by Eric Hill
  • Llama Llama Misses Mama – By Anna Dewdney
  • Froggy goes to school – By Jonathan London

Also take them shopping for school supplies for the first day of school. Let them help pick out their own backpack, pencils and crayons. Choosing a first day of school outfit or supplies by themselves makes them feel a part of the process and creates excitement.

2. Start with a warm-up visit

Most schools and child care centres offer visiting days. This is a great way for your child to meet the teacher and start to get comfortable with them. By your parental presence, your child will feel free to explore the classroom and may feel comfortable to ask questions or talk to the teacher and other children.

3. Be Consistent

Having a hard week at school with lots of tears may make parents pull out their child from the classroom but this delivers a poor message to your child. It sets a precedent of not having to face problems and work through negative feelings. By continuing to go every day at the same time and having the same good-bye routine (short & sweet) your child is bound to adjust at a quicker pace. When children can anticipate what will be happening next, it helps them process and get accustomed to a routine.

Good luck as you start this incredible journey with your little one. Always remember to stay positive and that you are not experiencing this alone.

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