
How to Encourage Early Literacy at Home

Early literacy skills are different forms of reading and writing presented to children before they can read and write on their own. They develop in real life settings through contact with literacy materials and people.  As Early Childhood Educators, Montessori Teachers and Parents it is our responsibility to introduce and expose them to early literacy with positive interactions.  Here are some ideas that you can try at home.


  1. Sing, talk and read to your children right from the beginning even when they are in the womb!

Exposure to your voice through songs and words provides comfort and a soothing mechanism for your baby. Books will expose them to visuals and helps babies see and hear what is around them.


  1. Eliminate baby talk

Use full sentences and introduce new words daily when interacting with your child. This will help expand your child’s vocabulary. When introducing new words try to show examples of it. ie. while visiting the grocery store show them different vegetables while saying their names.


  1. Take your children to literacy programs

Local libraries are a great resource to support you in introducing early literacy to your child.  They offer free programs from ages birth to 6 years that focus on reading, music and play. Here is a list of programs available in the Brampton public libraries.


  1. Make reading a part of your daily routine

Life can get busy with young ones, the best way to incorporate reading is make it a part of your daily routine such as on your drive to school, or right before bed. Cuddle up with your child and read aloud to get the most benefit emotionally and cognitively. This is a wonderful time to ask open-ended questions and let your child describe in their own words what the story is about.


The most important thing to remember is make early literacy fun!

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