
"Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words." - Mark Twain

The benefits of Montessori Education vs Public School

  Humans are the product of millions of years of evaluation, behaviors, and attitudes for survival and development. This process of development is natural and simple. The child feels certain urges in a specific time period, and these urges lead him to development in different aspects of life. The same is the case with the…

Tips for dealing with Picky Eaters

  During our recent My First Montessori School Information Session held in November we met a group of wonderful parents discussing many issues they face with their toddlers and preschool children. One of the most common concerns that came up with parents is “My child is a picky eater!” Parents you are not alone!  This…

How to Encourage Early Literacy at Home

Early literacy skills are different forms of reading and writing presented to children before they can read and write on their own. They develop in real life settings through contact with literacy materials and people.  As Early Childhood Educators, Montessori Teachers and Parents it is our responsibility to introduce and expose them to early literacy…


FALL = FUN ACTIVITIES FOR FAMILIES Autumn is a wonderful time to go on fun family dates. With the weather crisp yet pleasant, it’s a wonderful opportunity to visit nature trails, local farmers markets and enjoy the turning colors of fall leaves. Fall is also a great time to visit local farms to go apple…